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Open Doors


Do you have a minute? I'm Luis Nasarre, Director of the New Life Center in Navarra. The people of Vida Nueva take our work very seriously, because it is important and because we believe it must be very well done. For this reason, before the hoaxes,

defamations and lies that have been said lately about us, I have made the decision to declare 2019 as YEAR OF OPEN DOORS, so that if you want to know us and see for yourself who we are, how we live and what we do, at any time of the year come and draw their own conclusions.


If you want to visit us, just call 948 32 22 01 and arrange a visit, or fill out the available form. Someone from the team will be in charge of teaching the Center in its daily operation and will answer your questions.


Of course, we would love to leave your comments on our website after your visit!

Have you visited the center? Tell us what you think

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